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Transport Chain
transport chain
transport chain

Transport Chain

A transport chain is a type of heavy-duty chain used in the transportation industry to secure and tie down loads on flatbed trailers, trucks, and other types of vehicles. It is made from high-strength steel and is designed to withstand high levels of tension and stress. Transport chains are commonly used in combination with load binders and other types of hardware to secure loads and prevent them from shifting during transportation.

Specifications of Transport Chain

Art, no BoxCodeWLL(tonnes)dPW1WEIGHT(kg/M)Manufacturing proof force KNBreaking force KN
1 x 200mPM 6-81.126188.50.828.345.2
1 x 200mPM 7-81.57721101.138.562
1 x 200mPM 8-82824111.450.380.6
1 x 100mPM 10-83.21030142.379130
1 x 100mPM 13-85.4133917.73.8133214
1 x 100mPM 16-88.2164821.95.6201322
1 x 100mPM 19-811.61957277.8284457
1 x 100mPM 22-815.5226629.510.6380610
1 x 100mPM 26-821.626783514.8531850

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